Over the Christmas holiday, my little etsy shop took off. I was pretty overwhelmed by the amount of sales I had. Keeping up was proving to be a challenge. Once the New Year came, I thought things would slow down significantly but i still had a steady flow of orders. My biggest sellers were my cowls and scarves. Now that spring is around the corner here, those orders have dropped off significantly. This, I am hoping, will give me some time to try new things. I'd love to expand my inventory to other items. I do have some items but they aren't huge sellers. Items like my scrubbies, dish towels, toys and my photography. My biggest non scarf seller is my swiffer covers. I've loved experimenting with colors on those.
I've been exploring on Pinterest and other sites trying to find my next project or idea. I love a challenge and I love to learn new things. So I thought I'd show you some items I want to begin working on this spring. Some are ones I can figure out on my own and others I will have to find just the right pattern to explore with.
Seriously going to need one of all the new items!! :) adorable